
Posts Tagged ‘foods to help protect against radiation’

“Everyone Knows Someone Who Needs This Information” (TM)

With the radiation jeopardy in Japan looming on the horizon and poised to spread into our air, water and soil, I want to share 2 emails and an article I received to help people make educated choices, for themselves and most importantly, for their children, who are even more at risk because of their much more active thyroids.

The two scientists who sent the information are:  Dr. Robert Jay Rowen, MD and Dr. Nan Fuchs, PhD, representing their colleague and supplement formulator Dr. Isaac Eliaz, PhD. at Advanced Bionutritionals in Northern California. And the recipes are from Jim Healthy at http://MyHealingKitchen.com

Dr. Fuchs discusses some research to show an individual’s Environmental Toxic Load and how that applies to Diabetes. She informs us:  ‘with an epidemic of diabetes in America, scientists now believe they have found out (one) of the reasons why’.

I think this hearkens back to what I’ve mentioned about Dr. Vickery‘s theories in the past fortnight. When our bodies are NOT properly nourished, they cannot DO the detox they are meant to do and are normally capable of doing. (Look for those articles in the sidebar … and later, in the archive.)

Dr. Fuchs reports: scientists tested 2,016 Americans for the presence of 6 toxins known as POPs (persistent organic pollutants). The researchers then compared the levels of these 6 toxins in the participants’ bodies to their history of blood sugar problems and diabetes.

This is what they discovered:  the people with the highest levels of these 6 toxins were 38 times more likely to have diabetes compared to the people with the lowest levels!

These toxins can destroy the beta cells in your pancreas (which produce your insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels).

These toxins can also interfere with the cell receptors that carry glucose  to your muscle and fat cells. And the toxins can limit your cell receptors’ ability to use insulin. When your cells have a hard time accepting and using insulin, then your blood sugar rises, automatically.

Dr. Vickery’s protocol is designed to help you overcome this illness and debilitation body-wide cycle, in a total-Health aiming process using Platinum Plus and his seaweed-based supplement. These will build your body’s Health, not just help you to effectively detox. See those supplements at supernutrient.com .

Whereas, Dr. Fuchs’ suggestion will deal just with the immediate problem, radiation exposure and generalized detox.

Dr. Fuchs informs us that the good news is, PectaSol® Chelation Complex by Advanced Bionutritionals can help you safely and easily eliminate these dangerous environmental toxins from your body before they can destroy your health.

The heavy metals  everyone talks about most are mercury, lead and aluminum. But, now, when we talk about “heavy metal toxicity” we must include uranium — the heaviest heavy metal there is — and its spewing out of those Japanese nuclear power plants along with Iodine 131, a dangerous isotope of Iodine instead of the healthy Iodine form our body needs.

The best solution she has found to remove uranium is an oral chelation product made from modified citrus pectin and sodium alginate: Pectasol Chelation Complex. The specific pectin in this formula is the only one studies show to effectively bind to heavy metals and remove them. The sodium alginate comes from brown seaweed, long shown to bind to toxins in the intestines.

This works for environmental exposure and for those undergoing radiation treatments for cancer.

Dr. Robert Jay Rowen, MD adds that potassium iodide, which the media are discussing as preventative, is NOT good enough and we’ll talk more about why next time. And, for heaven’s sake, DON”T think that iodized table salt is going to protect you. It won’t. It doesn’t have enough Iodine in it, and your blood pressure will go up eating it more than usual.

There are MUCH better food sources of Iodine. I will talk about some of them at the end of the article, but we’ll finish the pectin discussion, as it will take time to order the supplement. Then, once you have the supermarket list, from the foods that I mention below, you can buy those foods, start using them, and be protected better,  TODAY!

Back to pectin — during the Chernobyl disaster in Russia, about 25 years ago, they used pectin to reduce radioactive radiation with great success. In exposed children, (the people most at-risk),  body radioactivity among children with elevated readings was reduced by over 50%.

And the Pectin Formula also removes any traces of mercury from fish and from old dental amalgams (“silver” fillings), which also poison us.

Please understand, that if you’re an average American between the ages of 58 and 92, new research shows your body is polluted with 700 synthetic chemicals as well as heavy metals like mercury, lead and arsenic.

And, if you are like me, trying to eat organic etc., for the past 40 years, you may still not have dodged-the-bullet. As Dr. Fuchs relates: Charlotte Brody had eaten organically for 20 years — BUT:

“Charlotte volunteered to have her blood tested for the presence of 210 different toxic chemicals as part of a recent scientific study, she thought her blood would be relatively clean —

Charlotte was shocked when scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center discovered 85 different chemicals in her blood including more than two dozen types of PCBs, seven dioxins, and a banned household insecticide. “I’m proof that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t shield you,” she said after seeing the results.

Unfortunately, Charlotte’s story isn’t unique. Every person tested by Mount Sinai Medical Center in the same study was contaminated with an average of 91 chemicals each.

The evidence is clear: everyone, regardless of their lifestyle, needs to detox their body.”

Every time we eat in a restaurant or at a friend’s home, we don’t know the source of the food. Many towns have water that is not safe enough. When you were a child, you were exposed to chemical cleaners and water pipes at school etc., and meals there sourced from who-knows-where that may not have been what was best. And, don’t forget lead paint in homes, especially if you are a baby-boomer.

Just breathing the air and being stuck in “traffic” will bring in pollutants our bodies were never meant to deal with! No-one is immune. Period.

Most citrus pectin is composed of large long-chain carbohydrate molecules which are too big for your body to digest, so the pectin from the inner peels of citrus fruits simply passes through your body without binding to toxins.

The good news is, her friend and colleague Dr. Isaac Eliaz has found a way to modify citrus pectin.  By changing the size of the pectin molecules, now it becomes very easy for your body to digest.

First he broke down large citrus pectin molecules into smaller, easily absorbed pieces, while also changing the pH of the pectin molecule to make it easier for the molecule to bind to heavy metals, especially in the low-pH environment of your stomach.

The result is a patented form of modified citrus pectin called PectaSol®.  which is SO powerful, that it can trap and remove significant amounts of toxins in as little as 24 hours!

In addition to Dr. Eliaz’ patented citrus pectin, PectaSol® Chelation Complex also contains a second, natural chelating substance called alginate (from seaweed) (it’s usually in ice-cream, too).  Extensive studies at McGill University in Montreal show that alginates help prevent your body from absorbing lead, cadmium and other toxic metals.

The alginates in PectaSol® Chelation Complex bind to the toxins in your food right in the digestive tract so the toxins are eliminated before they even enter your blood stream or your tissues.

This specific pectin and these alginates were the only ones used in successful human clinical trials. This formula dropped their body levels of toxic metals by a whopping 74% on average.

Don’t just go grab pectin off the health store shelves. Go to the Advanced Bionutritionals site and see these products.

For the immediate, first-response foods to start building your body’s ability to neutralize these radiation isotopes showing up in our air, soil and water now, buy and use the following foods and the first 2 do most of the best work:  seaweed, miso (a savory Japanese fermented soybean paste) and whole soybeans (edamame)(less effective).

Japanese studies show miso strengthens people’s resistance to radiation poisoning by up to five times, and after all, the Japanese already have the most experience with radiation poisoning after America dropped 2 atomic bombs on them at the end of World War 2.

Much less effective sources of iodine, but still worth using are:  asparagus, garlic, sesame seeds, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard and turnip greens. Read more of my Iodine and seaweed articles in the Title Archive, on the upper navigation bar.

If you think you’ll have a hard time introducing seaweed to your family, just do it! You’re helping to save their lives. Hide it or serve it openly. It’s delicious and so don’t let them them intimidate you.

Seaweed comes in simple forms like at this link, Maine Sea Seasonings. They have kelp, nori and dulse, which are in shakers, which you can buy online or in good health stores (Whole Foods only sells the kelp sprinkles). You’ll never know it’s in the recipe, but all-the-while it’s bringing Health.

In fact, I just put MSS kelp sprinkles into my little grandson’s baby yoghurt last Tuesday (the first day the radiation was supposed to reach West Coast America), and he looked up at me detecting the slight difference in texture (until the kelp would have softened), but he “understood” it WAS good for him, and immediately ate it all. His body told him it was good for him; he listened.

You and your children have to over-come any false messages born of poor food choice or ignorance in the past. These are the foods you need to NOURISH yourself!

And the Iodine in seaweed is not effected by cooking, so you can put it in soups, stews etc., too.

By the way, “Brava!” to my daughter, who has often been resistant (as an adult) to the “health food” she had her whole childhood, but she was giving my 22 month old grandson and herself a green protein drink from Bolthouse Farms, which they both loved. I think it was called Green Goodness. It had blue-green algae, spirulina, dulse,  chorella, jerusalem artichoke (very good sweetener for diabetics), and lots of other delicious veggies and fruits like: broccoli (you can’t taste it), barley grass, apple, pineapple, mango puree, banana puree and kiwi juice. My grandson came back for seconds and even thirds.  It tasted absolutely delicious.

That juice would be a good choice too, in these circumstances. It’s available at Walmart — dare I say it! and for much less money — and many other markets. I may actually have to go to Walmart and buy this, if the price really stays low there. Yeah, I know, I really don’t want to help Walmart, and this would be only the second time I have bought from them, but Health comes first, and if I can buy twice as much of this particular Bolthouse juice, for the same money, then I will.

Annie Chun makes a seaweed snack and you’ll find others at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and other good health stores, but eating the seaweed directly will give you MUCH more of what you are really eating it for.

Use the following link to get only organic seaweeds! Eden brand is the best sourced. You can get them at good markets and from their site.

For recipes which won the taste test for American palates, Jim Healthy at MyHealingKitchen shares the following recipes:

___ I’m drinking this delicious Miso-Ginger beverage as I write this — Jim Healthy’s recipe uses savory miso: first, fill a quart jar (or thermos) with hot water, add 2 teaspoons of grated fresh ginger (or minimum 1t dry ginger) with 1 tablespoon of miso (soy-based) (I am not sure if the barley-based will work the same), and enjoy it from a thermal bottle for hours. If you add a bit of kelp, or kelp sprinkles, call it a soup, and you’ve got twice the protection, as long as you eat the seaweed.

___ Nori-Wrapped Crab Rolls with Wasabi and Roasted Red Pepper or any other sushi recipe which contains seaweed
___ Seaweed Cucumber Salad

Jim continues: “Radiation causes cancer by creating free radicals molecules that damage DNA. So it makes sense to eat more foods and supplements that are rich in antioxidants. ”

NOTE: I am NOT including the cruciferous brassica foods: cabbage, cauliflower, mustard greens and more as they are also goiterogens, which impact your thyroid’s ability to function. When this gland is already under siege, I am NOT going to be eating these otherwise nutritious foods for awhile.

For Vitamin C, I suggest: any citrus fruit, tomatoes, kiwi, berries, cherries, cucumber, garlic, kale, onion, parsley, organic papaya, persimmon, fresh pineapple, potato with skin, red bell pepper, organic rosehips, watercress, spirulina and sprouts!

Vitamin E foods to choose: sunflower seeds, organic, non-irradiated almonds (you can only buy these online at nutz.com), olives and spinach, avocado, organic barley or barley grass, organic Brazil nuts, carrot, organic extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil, brown rice.

For selenium, a mineral needed by diabetics and also part of the detox process, use: organic Brazil nuts, wild salmon, non-farmed, clean-sourced shrimp and organic turkey. All of these are cancer-blocking heavyweights. Let your eyes guide you: think Rainbow. The brightly-colored, fresh, raw plant foods tend to be antioxidant treasures.

You also should consume more organic brown rice, too. It is rich in fiber, phosphorus, antioxidants and selenium, all of which help escort toxins from your body.

And, Jim says, ” don’t forget herbal aid — Spanish researchers published research in the British Journal of Radiology demonstrating that nothing fights the free radicals created by radiation like fresh rosemary. Since rosemary’s essential antioxidants are fat-soluble, they provide critical protection in areas water-based antioxidants can’t reach.”

Other supplements that should be protective against radiation damage are Vitamin D (sunlight, seeds, dandelion greens, alfalfa sprouts, avocado, carrot and garlic) and Vitamin K (sprouts, carrot, cayenne pepper, ginger, grains, deep leafy green vegetables, kelp, oats, peas, potato with skin, soybeans, strawberries). Both of these Vitamins support cell “apoptosis”, which is the programmed cell-death of those tissues which accumulate various DNA errors (due to radiation and other causes). Vitamin D also supports DNA repair and is critical for proper function of your immune system.

And, I encourage you to help raise money for Relief Efforts in Japan! Please do NOT give money to the American Red Cross (I have LOTS of reasons to say this). Instead, please support Nobel Peace Prize recipients Doctors Without Borders or Mercy Corps who are effectively and selflessly delivering medical aid to the Japanese people.

More next week on radiation and detox.

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My thanks to Dr. Rowen and to Dr. Fuchs for all the help as their education is invaluable, and to Jim, whose recipes are always healthy and tasty.

Best to all — Em

(c)2011 Em at https://diabetesdietdialogue.wordpress.com

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