
Posts Tagged ‘pancreatic enzymes’

“Everyone Knows Someone Who Needs This Information!” (TM)

The last 2 weeks have illuminated the real prime causes of diabetes thanks to the decades of research by Dr. Brice Vickery, DC. This time, I’ll finish the scientific explanation and back-it-up with some of the newest science available, anywhere, from other researchers. And, I’ll share Dr. Vickery’s solution, again. It’s that important!

Please review the previous 2 parts:

Dr. Brice Vickery, DC Discovers Diabetes’ Cure Protocol – Part 1

Dr. Brice Vickery, DC Exposes Diabetes Causes Part 2

Last time, I described what Dr. Vickery taught about the biochemical cascade of events and non-events which cause absolute havoc in organ systems and each body cell. Yes, the disruption, from 3 separate causes is that pervasive.

The body is struck down in stages, with hypoglycemia indicating adrenal involvement, diabetes indicating pancreatic distress and breakdown and fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome being an elevated state of body-wide alarm.

His innovative diagnostic methods and tools show why the body cannot yet heal or even defend itself, and how to give your body the exact tools it needs to heal itself.

That’s all in Parts 1 and 2, above. This time, I just want to zero in on a couple of items and mention some new research which backs-up some important aspects of all this protein synthesis discussion, as it affects diabetics, especially.

The end-stage group with CFS and fibromyalgia are always deficient not just in protein, but also in essential fatty acids and mineral absorption. Diabetics, being the middle-stage, have aspects of all of these deficiencies, too.

So, Dr. Vickery spent decades refining his formulas so that they help your body heal in all 3 stages. His patented formula starts healing the protein deficiency which you HAVE and also includes minerals which must be of the proper smaller-than-usual size, increased water-solubility and ionically active minerals in order to be accepted into your cells.

If they are not exactly formed and in the proper cocktail balance, it won’t matter how many protein transporters you have trying to “solve” your protein deficiency and more, because the minerals needed for other critical biochemistry will just end up floating around your system, storing themselves in your tissues and hardening blood vessels, causing their own set of problems — if these formula-components are not correctly formed.

One of the 3 underlying causes of diabetes, the protein deficiency caused by your overloaded pancreas no longer being able to make sufficient alkaline buffers, then sabotages the actual digestion of everything you are trying to break down for cellular energy. Incomplete digestion of food makes all the food you eat UNAVAILABLE. You start to starve slowly, and so do your mitochondria — your cellular furnaces.

I have written about this before, that researchers see fewer and smaller mitochondria in diabetics. We’re tired all the time as the situation progresses, and fewer mitochondria are a symptom that diabetics are “aging” faster than they should.

Well, now the research scientists at my former school, the University of California, Davis have found some critical parts of biochemistry affecting diabetes, hitherto completely unknown.

Aberrant biochemistry begins to cause age-related mitochondrial dysfunction, which plays a central role in virtually all killer diseases of aging.

Essential nutrients like CoQ10, lipoic acid and carnitine, promote the health and function of existing mitochondria. But, just as critical is the need for every aging person (and diabetic) to generate more mitochondria in order to protect against degenerative cellular decline.

In an historic scientific breakthrough,  a natural coenzyme called PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) has been shown to trigger  new mitochondria in aging cells! And, of course, this means that adequate protein is needed to form PQQ in the first place.

Yes, by taking Dr. Vickery’s formula, you should be able to make your own PQQ.  And, through the Life Extension Foundation, you can buy the university’s research PQQ formula, too. (L.E.F. requires membership.) (No prescription is required.)

PQQ is a critical protein combo — UCD researchers found it has a pivotal role in growth and development. That role stems from its unique ability to activate cell signaling pathways directly involved in cellular energy metabolism, cellular development and cellular function.

Cells undergo spontaneous mitochondrial biogenesis through the effects of three signaling molecules which are activated by PQQ:

___   PQQ activates expression of PCG-1Alpha (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha) molecules.

PCG-1Alpha is a “master regulator” which mobilizes your cells’ response to several external triggers. By directly stimulating genes which enhance mitochondrial and cellular respiration, growth, and reproduction, it can  up-regulate cellular metabolism at the genetic level.  Favorable affects from this include: healthier blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride breakdown, and the delay of obesity onset.

___   PQQ also triggers a signaling protein known as CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein). CREB plays a pivotal role in embryonic development and growth when it beneficially interacts with histones (molecular compounds shown to protect and repair cellular DNA). This should help prevent mutations and limit the appearance of cancer.

CREB stimulates the growth of new mitochondria, too.

Whereas, altered (glycated) proteins can bind to mitochondria and compromise their function — if your A1c tests show lots of glycated protein, then you now know your mitochondria are in the battle for their lives, and yours.

___   PQQ regulates the recently-discovered cell signaling protein called DJ-1. As with PCG-1Alpha and CREB, DJ-1 is intimately involved in cell function and survival.

It has been shown to prevent cell death by combating intensive antioxidant stress and is of particular importance to brain health and function.This is possibly why Dr. Vickery showed those with Parkinson’s were affected by their faulty protein digestion, too.

DJ-1 damage and resulting mutation have been conclusively linked to the onset of Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders.

These findings shed light on the results of prior studies where a PQQ deficiency in juvenile mice,  resulted in elevated plasma glucose concentrations, a 20-30% reduction in the number of mitochondria in the liver, and consequent impairment in oxygen metabolism (producing profound fatigue).

All of these are just 3 examples of thousands of critical protein systems which will not be functioning properly if you are unable to digest proteins and fashion the thousands of products made from Free Amino Acids (F.A.A.) the completely-digested form that your protein food must become, but is not, at the moment.

As 95% of cellular energy is produced by mitochondria, and they cannot divide within healthy cells, as other cellular components can, it’s critical to cater to their well-being for our own survival.

Indeed, impaired mitochondrial metabolism is recognized as an underlying factor of many diseases, including diabetes.

Damage to the mitochondria within endothelial cells lining arteries is an underlying cause of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries i.e. the onset of heart disease).

Traditional risk factors for arterial disease like:



high blood sugar

high cholesterol

and high triglycerides

are all linked to mitochondrial injury!

And, critically, the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria within your cell(s), results in a vicious cycle whereby increased oxidative and glycation reactions disable more and more  mitochondria, eventually leading to your cell’s demise. This is happening in your body by the millions. Where’s the help?

Having the proper amount of digested, quality protein changes all of this.

Then your body can make PQQ and all the other necessary proteins and co-factors to get your enzyme systems operating properly.

Diabetes is NOT just about popping a Metaformin pill or injecting insulin — they DON”T take care of all these other important parts of your biochemistry!

The search has GOT to be about FINDING the Root Cause, and I think Dr. Vickery has.

When your body can begin healing itself because it finally has enough quality, usable protein, then it heals the other 2 main systems, which in turn, complete the Healing.

Corrected protein amounts enable:

___   spinal healing with resultant return to health of cervical autonomic nervous system sensors,  now able to give accurate feed-back of glucose state. Then, if needed, a chiropractic adjustment can straighten the spine and the adjustment will likely hold.

___  your body can heal its major glandular organ systems especially adrenals, pancreas, liver and thyroid. Once again, your adrenals can protect you; your pancreas will make its full-complement of  life-affirming products; your liver will be able to provide an effective back-up source of glycogen when your blood-sugar dips too low, and your thyroid will have a system producing energy for proper metabolism.

Get your doctor to work with Dr. Vickery. Contact him through http://www.supernutrient.com

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Read the Titles Archive (tab on the upper navigation bar). There’s 4 years of still-current info!

Best to all — Em


Dr. Brice Vickery, DC
Life Extension Magazine
c)2011 Em at https://diabetesdietdialogue.wordpress.com

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“Everyone Knows Someone Who Needs This Information!” (TM)

Last time, I introduced the revolutionary ideas, research and results of the 50 year career of Dr. Brice E. Vickery, DC who has solved one of the largest health puzzles of them all, one with serious implications for healing diabetes.

Some people look down their noses at Alternative Medicine’s practitioners, but a caring healer, of any discipline, who uses astute observation and organized responses, can find out answers which less interested or less capable physicians miss. Period.

I’m not going to get involved in The Debate, although you’ve probably figured out which side I’m on, because what I deal with here is RESULTS, and Dr. Vickery has them, by the boatload.

Read Part 1 here:
Diabetes Solutions – Dr. Brice Vickery

Now, to continue —

How does Dr. Vickery find out about these imbalances which most other physicians miss, in their typical “exam” —  barely examining or questioning you in detail  or just interested in reading off your “lab test results” and then disengaging, regardless of your continued complaint and symptoms?

Dr. Vickery says: “When I discover viral or bacterial infections in my patients, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is, “Other doctors I’ve been to never found these things, how do you identify these infections?” The answer is simple, I am using a testing method that will allow me to search for diseases I suspect may be harbored by the body.”

“The currently accepted methods for testing in the field of status quo medicine are mainly biochemical. There is nothing wrong with these methods; they work well in certain instances. For instance blood and throat cultures for strep are fine if the strep is in either of these locations. But what if you are harboring strep, or hepatitis C, or Staph, etc., somewhere else, maybe your heart, spine, or brain? How do I find it? ”

“If I used a blood test, it may come up negative. Does this mean that the diagnosis for the pathogen is negative? No, it means I have to find the method that will allow me to test for strep in all areas of the body. The biochemical testing methods used today are not invalid, it’s just that these methods only allow them to find diseases part of the time …”.

And, all of us who have ever felt frustration at our physician, when dealing with “chronic” and “real” symptoms, know this all too well.

Dr. Vickery explains that these “usual” biochemical diagnostics are an outgrowth of Newtonian physics. In the 1700s, scientist Isaac Newton showed us that there are Universal Laws, by which the cosmos and our planet work.

Einstein did not prove Newton wrong, rather Albert just proved that Newtonian laws only applied in certain spheres, which did not always include energy.

Albert Einstein’s brilliant formula E=MC2 proves that Mass IS Energy, so the mass (our body) IS made of energy. We are Energy, living-energy.

So, in the recent past, many innovative doctors have developed  testing methods based on energy (quantum physics) in order to find out things that Newtonian methods could not.

Ancient Ayurveda, humanity’s first medical system, from 5,000 years ago in India, along with Traditional Chinese Medicine all understood the unseen biological energy pathways — which today we call “meridians” and acupuncture’s mapping makes them fully accessible.

Then, Dr. George Goodheart, DC, founder of Applied Kinesiology verified and showed the meridians to be an effective source of deep, personalized, location-specific information of Health and of Illness. Use the link to learn more about Applied Kinesiology.

Energy medicine will be as Thomas Edison said a century ago, “the Medicine of the Future”. Well, it IS here today.

Energy Medicine has been evolving since the nineteenth century in Europe and America, and the FDA and the FTC, finally,  now recognize certain of these testing methods as emerging science (often they are shamed into doing so because Europeans have long since approved and are benefiting from these techniques and equipment for diagnostics).

Dr. Vickery has been using these methods for many years now. I personally had a “work-up” done 20 years ago by my Naturopathic physician, and it was spot-on; he used both applied kinesiology and a form of the other energy diagnostic tool  –  a type of electro-acupuncture diagnostic machine developed by Dr. Reinhardt Voll, MD.

Dr. Vickery says: “Using either electro-acupuncture or kinesiology with homeopathic medicines I can locate in just a few minutes the presence of many different pathogens and toxic metals, measure their levels, and pinpoint the tissues and organs in which they reside“.

No need for expensive and mostly ineffective lab tests. Why does this work?

Everything in the universe has an energy footprint.

One sees that in inanimate objects (e.g. using a spectrometer) AND in human and other biological forms (which is why Royal Rife‘s machine in the 1920’s was able to cure “incurable” diseases, once the pathogens energy-frequency was found, and that was validated by visiting physicians from the Mayo Clinic as well as physicians and academics from UCLA — before US Government Hooligan “Agents” stole the machine, lab notes and set the research back another 80+ years).

Energy signatures of all imbalances and pathogens involved, blocked and open pathways, strength of response — all provide the crucial information for an effective diagnosis and treatment.

Understanding the complex biochemistry of living systems, and with these energetic sign-posts, has enabled Dr. Vickery to understand the Whole Picture. And, smartly, he saw that giving the ill person’s body the most effective, natural building blocks (what your body uses very effectively to heal itself) was what was needed for Healing.

Just as the father of European Medicine, Hippocrates, said thousands of years ago, “Let Food Be Thy Medicine“,  Dr. Vickery took that one step farther.

Brice made a way for people to be able to ABSORB the vital  nutrients their bodies needed but were NOT getting, no matter how much healthy food they were eating, because their digestion was SO impaired. We learned what that special formula was and where to get it last time.

So, how does this help those struggling with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (hyperglycemia – high blood sugar)?

Well, the source of most diseases is pancreatic overload or pancreatic burn-out, which means that you cannot DIGEST the food you take in. Period.

Because of the lack of alkaline pancreatic enzymes, your food will not be processed in a way that helps you to fuel and heal your body, and each successive day that this continues just adds to the downward spiral.

You ARE malnourished, especially in regard to protein, no matter how much protein you have tried to bring into your body. And, just any old enzyme supplement does NOT apply here.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is the common condition that Dr. Vickery finds in Fibromyalgia (FM) patients, too, leading to the root cause of FM, protein deficiency.

Hypoglycemia is a condition which has at least 100 different symptoms associated with it. For example, symptoms are: weakness, disorientation, headaches, slurred speech, tiredness or nervousness. If blood sugar levels become too low, even coma and death can happen. Sadly enough, doctors will often end up misdiagnosing this simple problem because they fail to administer a 6 hour glucose tolerance test or they misinterpret the results.

Diabetes and FM, along with all other disease, really starts, with pancreatic overload, which leads to loss of digestive function and then to protein deficiency in the body.

As mentioned, Dr. Vickery developed a highly efficient and accurate form of applied kinesiology, called the Vickery-Voll Test which allows him to test the three specific pancreas acupuncture points:

___  protein(1)

___   carbohydrate(2)

___   and fat(3).

If the number 2 point shows up, he knows that carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, which is the defining attribute of hypoglycemia.

This will happen when a person consumes too much sugar or refined carbohydrate, because your pancreas will work overtime secreting insulin to lower blood sugar and your adrenals will become stressed by producing high levels of adrenalin so that the liver cannot convert amino acids and fats to glucose to raise blood sugar back up again.

In this process all 3 acupuncture points will eventually register impaired metabolism.

But, it is with Point 1, protein deficiency, that FM finally occurs.

Meanwhile the thyroid gland is attempting to control the rate for utilizing blood sugar in your body, so it is working overtime also. That explains the epidemic of thyroid disease and obesity, too, from another source beyond the lack of detox mentioned in last week’s article.

The weakest link in your system determines how your body fails.

___ If the adrenals are the weakest, hypoglycemia will occur.

___ If the pancreas fails, diabetes will follow.

___ If the thyroid crashes, Hashimoto’s Disease could happen.

___ If the liver malfunctions, cirrhosis will develop.

Other glands also become involved in the imbalance including the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the sex glands.

Digestion becomes impaired as the pancreas stops making the necessary digestive enzymes, and now the entire body becomes deficient in proteins, its structural and functional building blocks, as well as necessary for nutrient transport and healthy immune response.

If the pancreas does not have the necessary amino acids it will not make digestive enzymes or glucagons (which allows the liver to convert glycogen, a sort of stored sugar, into glucose), nor will the adrenals make adrenalin (which allows the liver to convert protein and fats to glucose for balanced blood sugar.)

If the body cannot do these things blood sugars can never be properly balanced (no matter what medicine you take), and the glands will always be overworking to try to control an out-of-control situation.

Two things are necessary:

1. a low glycemic, low refined-carbohydrate, no sugar diet (gives over-worked glands a rest) (The Zone diet would be a good start.)
2. a balanced blend of immediately-available essential amino acids to start the system working properly again.

Dr. Vickery’s decades of experience shine through in his statement:

“But don’t make the mistake of thinking any amino acids will work, we already tried that, I had to develop a very specific blend of essential amino acids in the correct balance to one another. I want to make that very clear because if the amino acids are taken in the incorrect amounts or out of balance, you could just end up doing yourself more harm. All of my FM patients who have followed my FM program faithfully have gotten well. ” And, FM is the most-complex response in this symptom-cascade.

I may come back to another facet of this next time. Meanwhile, try to find a Holistic Physician who is “open” to working with you and to work with Dr. Vickery, (who wants to train more physicians in his method, before he dies).

What a shame it will be if we lose this opportunity. Jump on it!

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Read the Titles Archive (tab on the upper navigation bar). There’s 4 years of still-current info!

Best to all — Em

(c)2011 Em at https://diabetesdietdialogue.wordpress.com

Please respect my copyright. You may quote 2 short paragraphs in your article or on your site (please provide a link back here). To quote more, please contact me for permission at the About Me page on the upper navigation bar. Thanks!

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