
Archive for March 11th, 2008

“Everyone Knows Someone Who Needs This Information!” (TM)

In addition to rampant diabetes among teens, a US Centers For Disease Control report just came out today that is extremely disturbing. Data shows 26 per cent of teenage girls are now infected with chlamydia, human papilloma virus (HPV), genital herpes or trichomoniasis. In fact, the numbers are likely much higher, because syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV are not included in these numbers, either!

And, just as there are real risks to every teen diabetic’s long-term health by not following a healing, natural diabetes diet plan, from a knowledgeable holistic doctor, there are real risks to current and future health of diabetic teens and other teens from untreated sexually transmitted diseases, (STDs), with infertility and higher risks of cervical cancer topping the list, as well as increased chance for death from an ectopic pregnancy in the future.

Parents -Alienate or Enable. Avoiding Both Of These Is Difficult Today. PHPTO - www.abcnews,go.com   20-20 July 2007

What irritates me is the girls are left with a much more hidden “problem”, and when their bodies are already in tremendous biological upheaval (moreso than boys’), this can slip by. Plus, it’s often hard for teens to have a rapport with the physician, who’s known them since they were babies, which may not allow them to ask or answer these questions.

Decades ago, I found my teen asking to have have a female pediatrician at this stage, and even though she had 2 wonderful male pediatricians, I understood and we found a great doctor, at a time when there were fewer female physicians. Thankfully, that situation has improved.

Her doctor insisted on private time with my teen, and this is something that the parent does have to adjust to. But I still went to the appointments, and put my two cents in at the time when all 3 of us were together; then I turned my child over to the other adult she was willing to trust for wise counsel. I wanted her to know that her parents were still engaged in her welfare, but respected that things were changing. A delicate dance begins.

If parents don’t spend the time to still be “involved” with their teens, albeit one or two steps more removed than they had been, it lets there be a whole lot less chance to still “guide”, not “tell” but still offer counsel, show concern and bring up concerns, and bring up a larger view of life that you hope will serve your teen well.

This epidemic of teen STDs shows effective parenting is suffering; girls are being pressured; men and boys are unhealthy in their choices and reckless in not getting diseases attended to. What a mess! And, the girls get left holding the unwanted babies and being at risk, to become infertile from untreated STDs, even if they are not pregnant.

Teen pregnancy may be “down”, but if teen STDs are “up”, then warning bells should be going off in families nation-wide. Ignorance is not bliss. 

If we are correct in our pH theory of the root cause of diabetes , and I think we are, then pH also explains why these young girls, and the boys and men who infect them, are hosting these bacteria.

Every bacterium and virus can only survive in friendly territory. That is, they can only be parasites in hosts’ bodies which are acidic. If your body is alkaline or neutral pH, these organisms will die or not invade you. Simple as that.

So, if acidic body tissues are the root cause for both diabetes and for infection of all kinds, then what are teens (and adults and children) doing to cause the excess tissue acidity, and how can they detoxify to return to pH neutral or pH alkaline (which is our definition of Health)?


These are known causes of excess tissue acidity:

___   stress of any sort – including lack of sleep and poor nutrition

___   lack of fresh, raw plant food

___   not enough clean spring water drunk daily

___   not helping your body cleanse by light exercise and breathing clean air

___   taking in acidic substances – legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoking, junk food, all soda drinks, birth-control pills are included (but if you are sexually active, you’d better take the pills), fake fats, overheated fats and oils

___   over-exercise

___   too much protein and grains

___   sugar, in all forms


How can you return to healthy pH levels?

___   eat lots of a variety of fresh (organic) vegetables; they form the basis of your diet

___    eat some fresh (organic) fruit

___    cut out all sugar, all junk food and especially no sodas or coffee

___    one cup of organic tea daily

___    64 ounces of pure spring water sipped through-out the day (more if thirsty due to hot weather or lots of exercise)

___    about 6 ounces of (organic) protein a day, max from animal sources or be a vegetarian, if your body tells you it is right for you, but don’t emphasize cheese.

 ___   2-3 tablespoons of good, organic oils a day. 1 tablespoon can be extra-virgin olive oil used for cooking, the rest should either be uncooked, refrigerated hemp or flax oil for salad dressing recipes or smoothies OR take fish oil capsules, as instructed on bottle. Any organic nuts you use can also count toward this requirement, replacing 1 or 2 tablespoons of the oils. Raw almonds are best, but you need at least one tablespoon of the omega-3 from hemp, flax or fish oils, daily.

___   no fermented or pickled foods


So, lots of changes, can you bear it?

Why should you change? “What’s in it for you!”
___ To be truly Healthy as shown by glowing skin and beautiful hair, nails, normal weight.

___ To be healthy from the inside out and have your body be able to help you be happy and whole and “high” on Life itself. 

___ To have a clean body in which to house your child when the time is right.

How do you get well?

Eat the foods I mentioned above, and avoid the ones I said. Use drugs as little as possible, and when your doctor does prescribe them, help your body detoxify them by drinking plenty of spring waters on those days. Learn more about liver health — yes, I’m asking you to learn about your body so you can start to respect it. It’s all you have to carry you through Life.

Check out Dr. Sandra Cabot, MD s site www.liverdoctor.com  as your liver is your first line of defense in a world of poisonous substances. Learn how to detoxify properly, as detoxification is a necessary part of modern life.

And, attend to your thoughts. Happy thoughts build a healthy body, and if you cannot be happy, then you already know that you must start this healthy foods only plan, safe detoxification, and gradually the inflammation in your brain, caused by excess acid, will be removed and better moods will result. Try this important diet change before you reach for anti-depressants. Get your body and mind cleaned. Current research is showing that many of the snti-depressant medications are little more than placebos for what they are expected to be doing, but are causing serious side-effects. Better to try this get-better-pH food protocol first, if at all possible.

If you don’t self-respect yourself, think enough of yourself, then you need to ask “why?”. Try to understand how special and unique you are, and why you need to be a strong and independent female. This is not a time when you can appreciate, yet, what depth there is to maintaining a complex, long-term relationship and how to keep it going without resorting to fake closeness or giving-in to pressures from boys or men who really have their own agendas.

So, try not to be made a victim; instead, choose. You are in the driver’s seat. Examples of positive choices: improve your mind, have quality fun with your friends and family, think of others beyond yourself, find something valuable for you to do, appreciate your life and make it count.

Shape who you are; don’t let others do it for you. And, if “popularity” is what it’s all about, don’t buy into it. Hard to understand now, but likely in as little as 5 years, all these “friends” won’t even be in your Life … and if they are, then maybe they were the few, true friends. It’s definitely hard to be a teenage girl, but you have the most to lose, and the guys go on their merry way, often not even realizing they have infected you, and potentially changed your Life and Health, forever. Maybe these intial teenage sex liasons will result in making you infertile and unable to have a child with the man you meet later in life, whose child you will desperately want to bring into the world. Why set yourself up for that long-term heartbreak? Be responsible for your choices, and understand the “price-tags” that come with each of them; which ever way you decide, there is always a “price” to pay.

Another form of support is flower essence; they will help, especially if you choose the seemingly “more difficult” path of abstinence. For all your worries and concerns, in any part of your Life, these are powerful aids which will not contribute to acidity, but will help you in the deepest needs to support you mind and body. They may be used safely even if you take other medications. And, they are inexpensive, especially when a bottle can last several years.

Learn more about Bach Flower Essences, Australian Bush Essences and California Essences(FES). I make sure to have Bach Rescue Remedy with me at all times. The essences can be the best thing you could learn about online. Only the finest health stores carry them. Keep them 5 feet away from anything electrical and do not let them be “scanned” at the market or the airport.

One last suggestion for the moment, learn to cook healthy food for yourself. Do it while you are at home. Soon you will be out on your own, with college or a job, and it’s harder to do it well, then. If your parents aren’t doing a good job cooking healthy, fresh meals at home, then with your contribution and new learning, maybe your whole family can benefit from you starting this Journey.

If they are good cooks, you are lucky to have them. Let them teach you. It’s great family-time, and satisfying, too. You’ll be amazed how some cooking techniques help you get a fresh meal cooked faster than you could drive for fast food.

And, help your younger brothers and sisters avoid all this grief, too. Be there for them; help to guide them.

Well, we got started on a really important topic, but most of what I have already written on this blog could be read by teens and if acted on, give you a much better life, now and later.

I hope this helps.

Best to all — Em



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(c)2007 Em https://diabetesdietdialogue.wordpress.com

If you desire to use or quote from my article, please include the full copyright citation and web address. Thanks!

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